Thanks for this piece, Misha. I had not realized that feelings, once felt, change, but one needs to be internally unblocked for that. In my experience that’s where the mind can become an enemy, especially if it was taught that certain feelings are not okay to express or even feel.

I am in a similar situation now with my own corporate job, and had lots of fear around leaving it. For the past few months I have been taking baby steps to change things, each time telling myself I am not leaving now, that this is just a small step. I have found that just taking the action as if you were doing the thing you are afraid of gives you more courage. If you wait for the courage it may never come!

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Thanks for sharing! Yeah, exactly, once you take time to fully feel a feeling (and there might be a few layers to it), it will naturally change and 'unblock' itself. The judgment and tension we build around feelings only acts to keep them stuck. Once they are accepted without judgment and with no agenda, they will move along their way, like a guest that's just stopping over.

And it sounds like you're taking some important steps right now. Small actions and turning towards the discomfort, at your own pace, is a wonderful approach.

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