Why subscribe?

Hey, my name is Misha. I’ve worked in corporate, launched a venture-backed startup, experienced debilitating burnout, and know exactly what it’s like to run away from my own feelings. I know what it’s like to buy into my own BS and the BS of others. It’s a dead-end.

Even though I’ve sometimes forgotten it, at the core I’ve always been a sensitive dude. Being sensitive gets a bad wrap, but I see it as a strength.

When we’re sensitive we can start to be more true to our own emotions — we don’t run away. When we’re sensitive we can start to express ourselves freely. When we’re sensitive we can even sense what others are feeling. We have superpowers.

Being sensitive doesn’t mean we’re always nice. We’re not afraid to say no and to stand our ground and set firm boundaries. We don’t take shit. We are compassionate, good listeners, and know that the surest path to a better world is to first change ourselves.

This newsletter is for you if:

  • You want to become more true to yourself, your emotions and express your authentic self. You’re tired of hiding. You’re tired of the B.S.

  • You want to live a life where you don’t compromise your desires because society, family, work, or even friends tells you to be a certain way. You want to live on your own terms.

  • You want to experience your rich, inner self. That feeling of freedom when you were a kid before shit got heavy. You want to find your path, your way, your Tao.

That’s what this newsletter is all about. Stories and ideas to develop your sensitivity, to get deeper and in turn become a happier person. I write a newsletter once week, sometimes more. Some articles are free, some are paid, ‘cauz I have to pay the bills.

Subscribe to get access to the newsletter, website and a community of sensitive peeps like yourself. Never miss an update.

I love reader story ideas, and rely heavily on reader assistance when I report stories. If you have an idea for a future story, just email me at mishayoucandoit@gmail.com with “story idea” in the subject line. You can also reach me at that email with any other concerns or problems with your subscription.

Subscribe to Misha Yurchenko's Newsletter

Join me on an journey of self-exploration, meditation and personal growth.


Japan-based author and entrepreneur writing about meditation, burnout, & spirituality. Founder @ Tokyo Mindfulness, hosting meditation retreats and events across Japan every year.