Sitemap - 2022 - Misha Yurchenko's Newsletter

7 Things I Learned This Year That Changed My Perspective

Five strategies I used for burnout recovery (part 7)

The Monday Muse - #2

What burnout actually feels like (part 6)

The Monday Five — #1

Why psychedelics and meditation didn't prevent my burnout (part 5)

How I finally crashed and burned (burnout part 4)

The impact of stubborn optimism (burnout part 3)

Are idealists more likely to get burnt out? (burnout part 2)

Why I got totally burnt out (part 1)

Why you can’t “change” your partner (but all hope is not lost)

You’re speaking a different language

Lesson #1: Never Say "I Don't Believe You"

Are your desires original, or are you copying someone else?

The “light” isn’t god, but it’s very real

How to avoid resentment

How to disappear

You're not looking me in the eye

Money won’t solve your relationship problems

Willing to walk away

The illusion that's making you miserable

Are you asking the wrong question?

Trust your gut or die [+ Audio]

How to empty your mind before any meeting

What freediving taught me about paying attention [+Audio]

How to live like a modern-day Thoreau

Why I spend a lot of money on food

How to look a homeless person in the eye

Why thinking doesn’t always solve the problem

How I overcame my biggest distraction — Alcohol

The power of visualization

Choose your words wisely — your view of life depends on it

How to break bad habits

A spider weaves a web

Common misconceptions about meditation

Runner's high, runner's cry

How Egyptians used to kill the mood at parties

My first 10-day Vipassana experience

Informed optimism

Signal vs. noise and passive vs. active consumption

The daily 'sprint and rest' mentality [+ Audio Narration]

Why do we give up 6 feet before the finish line?

Identity as an obstacle to greatness

Should you quit Slack?

The paradox of intention

Pivotal moments

How to choose a city

Why the opposite of play is not work

The Deferred Life Plan

The road trip: Teslas, IVs and tiny buffalo

Most skills are non-transferable

I’m busy VS. It’s not my priority

Time vs. energy management for productivity

The downside of productivity tools

Kimchi problems

The Illusion of Transparency

Why I run in silence

The rubber duck method

What Japan Can Teach Us About The Dignity of Work

Question the process

What do you use for a toothbrush if you’re making less than $50 a month?

Is Japanese work culture as bad as people say?

The Tao of Skittles: Don’t be Afraid of Things Because They’re Easy to Do

Don’t try too hard to change people’s minds

The Jonah Complex and our fear of greatness